There’s nothing quite like the anticipation, waiting for the big brown truck to arrive with a new toy!
I know. I know. My birthday isn’t for a couple more weeks, but I ordered my present to myself a bit early while I was in a place where it could be delivered.
One of the volunteer tasks I took on here at Black Bayou Lake NWR was to help with the guided canoe/kayak tours out to the eagles’ nest at the far end of the lake.

I’m too tall for the kayaks they have available here so on my first trip I was going to use the one solo canoe. Luckily for me one of the locals that came on the trip with his own kayak also brought an extra kayak that was big enough for me and he was kind enough to let me use it. This was the first time I had ever been in a kayak. And at the end of the trip Dean was kind enough to offer to leave his kayak with me for the three months I’ve been here, so I had several chances to get out on the water and I really enjoyed kayaking.

So I ordered a Sea Eagle 393rl for myself. This is an inflatable kayak, so it folds up and goes into a backpack/storage bag that I can store in one of the basement storage compartments of the AdventureMobile.
Unfortunately it’s turned quite cold for the rest of the week so I may not get a chance to actually get it out on the water before I leave here on Saturday. Isn’t that just how life goes?
That’s fantastic! A whole new world of fun is open now.
I tried kayaking and didn’t like it. My mother gave me her two-person kayak when she was done with it, and I promised to use it. I didn’t, so I gave it away.
I’ll be traveling with the WINs this summer and a good number of them are kayakers so hopefully I’ll get to put it to good use.